Our kids enjoy playing together for the most part. Of course they have their squabbles here and there and we have to remind them to “be gentle and kind” and “play together” and "If he’s crying, that means he doesn’t like what you’re doing to him,” but they really are great friends. Here they are playing “choo-choo train”:
But watch what transpires:
I have no idea why Callie decided to grab at Jude’s face. Probably just to see what would happen.
Jude has 6 teeth now, and has been pulling up on furniture! A little earlier than the other two. No cruising or walking yet, though – will keep you posted. Here he is at the coffee table.
He’s constantly crawling up these steps that separate the living room from the kitchen and the rest of our apartment – and I’m always finding myself chasing after him to see what trouble he’s gotten himself into. He’s constantly trying to crawl into the bathroom and I’m constantly kicking him out – usually I’m helping one of the older two “on the potty.” Of course, he has to find the nastiest room in the home to crawl all over. But really, he just doesn’t want to miss out on the action and our company.
Here are Jude’s adorable wrinkly fresh-out-of-the-bath feet:
And discovering himself in the mirror! A little self-absorbed, don’tcha think?
In other news, Zane is now fully potty trained! He even goes “in the big potty.” It’s so nice not to have to constantly clean out that little potty-training potty. He transitioned pretty quickly; it only took about a couple weeks. His progress was quite amazingly faster than what Jeremy and I expected, and his potty-training experience was less emotional than Callie’s. It also only took a few weeks for him to be able to stay dry through the night as well. We had a lot of friends (i.e. fellow moms of toddlers) praying for him which was so helpful – we could tell from his smooth and quick progress that the Lord was truly gracious to us. It’s so nice to have only one kid left in diapers.
We’ll be sure to post another update soon, along with more photos of what we’ve been up to! Do come back and visit us again soon! And of course, we’d love your comments.
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