Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dress-Up, and Peas

We went to a "Harvest Festival" (Halloween party) and the kids enjoyed it. Zane enjoyed throwing balls and Callie enjoyed dressing up. Jude enjoyed being held - it's one of his favorite past times. Callie went as a princess (she borrowed the dress from a friend and picked it out herself), and Zane's costume is quite obvious. Can you tell what Jude went as?
Zane really wanted to pull off the "peas" and play with them. I had to hold him back.

Here are the two brothers, like two peas in a pod themselves! Only, of course, not the same size...yet.
And here's Lil' Miss Dress-Up herself. Lately, she's been constantly asking for an excuse to dress up. I finally gave in one day. I forgot to photograph the shoes in, though! They were so slippery and she had such a difficult time walking in those things yet still insisted on wearing them. Callie sure is a girlie-girl, through and through. And her mama can't be more thrilled - since she's a girlie-girl herself ;)
Here she is playing dress-up with her friend Bailey (Bailey's wearing the shoes). They are sweet friends.
Lastly, here's a video of Jude making cute noises - enjoy!

1 comment:

SouthAsiaRocks said...

They are so cute!!!!!!!!!! Great pics!