Thursday, May 7, 2009

Recent happenings

A lot has been going on these days. I've started making my own yogurt for Callie to eat because I recently discovered that the yogurt we've been giving her has aspartame in it - she eats it practically every meal, and I just didn't want her regular diet to consist of artificial sweeteners. We've switched the kids to cloth diapers for a couple weeks now, and that's been going pretty well; they are bulkier than disposables so some of Callie's pants don't fit anymore. We just got a double stroller off their version of e-bay here, and that's made it a little easier to get around. Callie is still cruising (holding onto things for support while walking) and not quite walking on her own yet. She's mimicking us and babbling all the time, and she has added to her vocabulary "hi" and "bye-bye" though I think her favorite word is still "didi" (little brother). Zane is growing like crazy - he's only 2 months old but he's already wearing 3-6-month clothes now; he'll outgrow Callie before long! Jeremy's been out of town again for 3 days this week (today is the third day). Although I've been enjoying the kids, I'm so glad that he gets back tonight and will be staying put for a while. Anyway, I was planning on posting some more pictures but that will have to wait since both kids are waking up now. More later!

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