Callie started going to the neighborhood preschool on Tuesday. The reason we want her to go is so that she can learn the local language and make some new friends, and hopefully we can also get to know some parents of her classmates and get into the community some more. Currently she's going three hours in the morning, three mornings a week. From what we can tell, she's been enjoying it so far - she keeps asking to go back! However, there definitely were some tears when we parted ways the first day that she went. I think having her good friend Bailey in her class made the transition to a new environment a little easier. We'll be sure to keep you posted!

Zane just turned 2 on Saturday. Below are some pictures and videos of the celebrations. We had a transportation-themed party out in the courtyard of our complex, and the kids had a blast playing and enjoying the sunshine. Zane, you have such a sweet temperament, and I love how you smile and laugh so easily and are so easygoing. You are a rough-and-tumble, vehicle-loving, bouncy ball-loving, true boy through and through, yet it's so sweet that you love to snuggle and are content to sit in your mama's lap and read books with her. Happy Birthday, Zane. You are an awesome 2-year-old!

There were a couple sparklers on his birthday cake (sadly, they didn't show up too well on camera!)

One of his presents was a shopping cart that he loves to push around the house.

And another was a parking garage for his cars.
And here are a couple birthday videos for you to enjoy:
Anita-- did you make the cake? It looks awesome!
Yes, I did. Who is this, btw?
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