This post is just a few fun updates of things the children have been doing lately. Have fun checking them out. These first two pics are of Zane and his two teeth that are on their way in. One is on the top and one is on the bottom. We had to coerce him in multiple ways to get good pics.
Along with having teeth comes brushing teeth. Here is the little Z man having a go at it himself (of course after Mommy did it for him).
Callie has a new doll these days, actually a borrowed one that goes peepee so that she can have a counterpart in learning to use the potty. Anyway, she's doing the two year old version of multitasking, both playing with toys while holding her baby doll. Below that is a really cute picture of her holding her doll and feeding it, and then the next one is a similar picture, only she's upgraded to using Zane for her doll.
Here is a video of the kids playing in the kitchen the other day.
Lastly, here is a great shot of Zane spitting rice onto our camera lens rather abruptly. Have fun.
This is just a simple blog to help family and friends far away stay connected to us, especially with the kiddos. We have good intentions to keep this blog updated regularly, and we'll try hard to do that, but please be patient with us! Please do leave comments and feedback - we'd love to hear from you, too! Hope you enjoy.
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