Anita got a sewing machine in April and has been learning to sew. She made sheets for Zane's "big boy bed" and Easter shorts for the boys. And then she was glad to alter some of her clothes to fit her better. She's also made a dress for Callie, and another one for a friend who's adopting a little girl this summer, along with matching hairbands with felt flowers. We'll have to post a photo next time Callie wears the dress.
Jude's crawling like a champ these days and is always sticking things in his mouth, perhaps just to know what they taste like? He's starting to pull up and stand up holding onto things now too. He has grown two teeth - we noticed the first one on Easter. The funny thing is, Jude got his first tooth at 9 months - yes, I'm aware that most babies start getting teeth around 7 months, but our kids get them late (Callie got her first tooth at a year and Zane at 11 months), so 9 months is considered early for us!
And we started potty-training Zane on Monday. The progress has been a little slower than Callie's was, but there's still some progress so we're grateful for that. Zane loves the fact that his underwear look like Daddy's and that they have cars or choo-choo trains on them.
Here are some recent pics for you to enjoy. And please do drop us a comment if you have a minute - we'd love to hear from you, too!