Whew! It's been over a month since our last post, so we've got several pics and a bunch of stories for y'all. The first thing is something that we have really enjoyed so far. In late August, Callie & Zane began sleeping in the same room. We were going on a trip and were only going to have two rooms total in a hotel, so we tried it out at home beforehand and it worked great. Ever since then, we've had them both sleeping in their room every night, which frees up our guest room / study, which means that we can actually hang out in there and/or have overnight guests, which we really like to do. Here are a couple of pics of them the morning after their first night sleeping in their room together. Here is a pic of their two beds in the same room: Also in the poast month or so, Callie has begun to recognize people by name, but of course at her age she still can't always say their name properly. Her friend Brennan is "Bebo", which is funny b/c "bebo" is also her word for bellybutton. Her friend Kayleigh is "Kaykee", and similarly her friend Bailey is "Baby". Other words she is saying in very cute ways happen to be cookie "koo-gee" and granola "gaga". Here is a video of her saying "koo-gee:
For Zane, one of his latest antics is that he absolutely hates being in a stroller. One time while we were out of town in late August, Jeremy was pushing him in the stroller and it began raining (sprinkling really) unexpectedly, and so Jeremy went as fast as he could to get Zane back to our room, but he screamed the whole way and after that has just screamed bloody murder every time we put him in a stroller. In the past week or so, though, he has started to get used to it again, but that little bit of rain really served to prejudice him against strollers. Since we never took any pic of him screaming in the stroller, here is a cute one of him in his little seat at home. The last two things we wanted to share about the children have to do with Callie. One morning, as Anita was giving polyvisol (vitamin supplement for babies and toddlers) to Zane with a dropper, Callie grabbed the entire bottle of vitamin and started guzzling it. It was especially funny because Zane can't stand the stuff, fussing and spitting out as much as he can every time we give it to him, and Callie loves it so much that she downs it when we're not looking! Callie's last antic we want to share reminds me (Jeremy) of a picture of me as a child wearing my dad's boots, which were way too big for me. This is a picture of Callie wearing Mommy's red shoes, which of course, are way too big for her. Just to compare, here's that pic of Jeremy wearing his dad's boots: That's all for our pictures for now. We just wanted to share also that we will be visiting the US & Canada this holiday season. On Thanksgiving weekend we plan to arrive in Raleigh and stay through Christmas, which is also Callie's birthday, and on into the first week of January, at which time we plan to head on up to Edmonton and brave the cold with Anita's family until the end of that month when we'll return to East Asia. Remember to check out our photoshare on the right side over there for many more pictures. These here are just a few we wanted to feature.
This is just a simple blog to help family and friends far away stay connected to us, especially with the kiddos. We have good intentions to keep this blog updated regularly, and we'll try hard to do that, but please be patient with us! Please do leave comments and feedback - we'd love to hear from you, too! Hope you enjoy.