Callie started walking just a little over a week ago. She gets really excited, her pace quickens and she lets out a squeal of delight just as she's about to reach her desired destination - i.e. when she walks about 6 steps from the coffee table to the couch. She has a doll stroller and loves to push it around. One of her newest words is "rice" (which actually sounds more like "ice") and she uses it in reference to bread as well as rice. Another new word is "apple" (which sounds more like "bapple") and is exclaimed when she anticipates eating applesauce.
Zane started sleeping through the night just over a week ago as well. This is a big deal because it means Jeremy and I have been sleeping through the night too and getting more rest lately, hallelujah! He loves it when you tickle him and play with him a little roughly - a true boy. Jeremy anticipates wrestling with him in the future. Zane constantly cracks huge smiles and coos happily whenever anyone pays him any attention. He's growing so fast, it seems like he gets bigger and heavier by the minute.
Here are some recent photos of the kiddos.