Things have been pretty hairy around here lately with sicknesses. First, Callie came down with a nasty stomach virus that just wouldn't go away. She was on the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apples, toast) for two weeks. Now, she won't touch bananas or apples. I hope she'll decide later that she likes them again! Then, I (Anita) got a horrible flu-type thing. Fever, complete with chills, cold sweats, and a sore throat. To make matters even worse, it got passed on to Callie. And then, Jeremy got pink-eye. It started in his right eye, and spread to his left as well. So we've been a pretty miserable-looking and -feeling bunch. Thankfully, Zane never got sick. I guess he just has so many immunities built up from breast-feeding? Anyway, the fevers are now gone. We are left with Callie's residual stomach bug and Jeremy's pink eyes. And worn-out bodies all around.
Jeremy's going out of town for 4 whole days starting tomorrow, so I (Anita) am trying to psych myself up for that. He asked me, "What do you plan on doing while I'm gone?" "Surviving," was all that I could think to respond with.